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past events & resources.

Replanting the Streams of Hudson Valley

Trees for Tribs offers free native trees and shrubs for qualifying planting projects in the Hudson River estuary watershed. If you own or manage property near a stream in the watershed, program staff may also be able to assist with plant selection, designing a planting plan, and other technical assistance to help your project succeed.

Visit NYS DEC Hudson Estuary Trees for Tribs

image courtesy of Roeliff Jansen Kill Library



The Copake Waterfront & Hamlet Revitalization Project used funds from the New York State Department of State (DOS) to enable the Town of Copake and its residents to develop a waterfront, revitalization, recreation and tourism plan for the Bash Bish Brook, Roeliff Jansen Kill and Taghkanic Creek. The development of the final Copake Waterfront and Community Revitalization Plan was guided by Copake's Project Advisory Committee (PAC) and our team of project consultants led by River Street Planning and Development.

Planning for the Waterfront and Hamlet Revitalization Project is funded by the New York State Department of State under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund.

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